Monday, June 8, 2015

Global Unites Summit 2015- Day 3

“There’s more than enough for man’s need but not enough for man’s greed”
 – Mahatama Gandhi

Today Justice Shiranee Thilakawardane who is a pioneer in her field and has been an icon for many Sri Lankan women spoke to the delegates about inequality and justice.  She touched on many areas of inequality especially when it comes to the treatment of women and children. She also pointed out the harsh truth that although we are all equal in the eyes of the law the truth is that those with power and wealth somehow find themselves a little more important in the eyes of the law.  The conversations surrounding this topic are hard especially upon the realization that we are dealing with human beings with emotions and ties. However the delegates here are determined to do their part to bridge the gap of inequality.

The day also comprised of talking about the role of media in peace building and further breakout sessions to continue their conversations on their common challenges. One delegate when asked what was most helpful about the breakout sessions mentioned that for the first time she began to see the conflict in her country as more than something her nation was facing but as common threads across the globe. These breakout sessions provide a space for deep and critical thinking but also a space for creative thinking and envisioning. 

1 comment:

  1. The quotation by Mahatama Gandhi was perfect! It sounds like Justice Shiranee Thilakawardane was an excellent choice for a speaker talking about inequality and justice, especially as it relates to women and children in many parts of the world. I am sure her presentation provide food for thought and conversation among the delegates.. Judy S.

    The day also comprised of talking about the role of media in peace building
